Wearing a face mask is now compulsory whenever you are in the public area since 1st August. Failed to do so will be fined as much as Rm1,000 but however, the Ministry of Health even released information on the types of masks that we should be wearing.
Most people also rely on the N95 mask that quipped with a front valve.
Even it has the look that can prevent the virus from entering your breathing system, unfortunately, the N95 valve mask can actually propel germs further. The valve that is on the mask, is a one-way direction that does not permit droplets to enter, yet release it from the mask, putting others around at risk.
“Any mask with a one-way valve is only going to protect the person wearing it. It won’t protect anyone around that person from potential exposure to virus particles they exhale,- ” said Dr. Ali Raja, associate professor at Harvard Medical School.
The other mask can be used but the safest option is to wear the three-ply surgical mask as recommended by the Ministry of Health.
Source: Healthline