For some people in India that still have the old and traditional believes with them, they will absolutely be disappointed if they got a baby girl compared than a baby boy. This is because according to the traditional believes baby girl would bring the greatest shame towards the family while baby boy would bring the greatest pride for the family. That is why some Indian family would try their hardest not to get baby girl. This is what happened with a husband in India who has the courage to slit his own wife’s belly just to check the gender of the baby by himself.
This horrific incident happened in Bareilly, India where a 34 year old man gained the courage during the time when he is in the least sanity to take a sickle and carried it towards his wife. The poor wife is currently carrying a heavy and big four-month pregnant belly. The reason for the husband to do that towards his wife is because a priest that they met, had recently told the couple that they were expecting another baby girl in the wife’s belly. To be specific, the baby would be their sixth daughter that would be delivered in the family and the husband had enough of it.
Based on the report, the husband decided to slit open his wife’s belly because he wanted to reconfirm what the priest has said about the gender of the baby. He could not wait until the baby delivered as he really does not want a baby girl in the family anymore. Other than that, he also had previously forced the wife to abort the baby because it is a girl.
The victim’s condition was very bad and she was left alone until her brother had found her on the floor in a pool of blood. According to the brother, “My brother-in-law often used to beat my sister for giving birth to five daughters. Our parents had intervened on several occasions. But no one imagined that he would take such a cruel step. When I reached, I saw blood everywhere. Anita’s stomach was slit, and she told me that her husband did this”.
Fortunately, the condition of the baby in the womb is in a good condition but the poor victim’s health condition is deteriorating because of the severe damage that she experienced at her organs and also because of excessive bleeding. The victim’s brother added, “Fortunately, she has been admitted to the Safdarjung hospital and the doctors here are supportive”. For the cruel husband, he has since been arrested under Section 307 for an attempt to murder.
Sources: Times Of India.