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Stop Glasses from Fogging Up by Applying These Five Quick Fixes

Since the pandemic has been spread all over the world, scientists and health experts have been promoting the usage of face masks. It is believed that face masks can slower the rate of infection to other people. In Malaysia, wearing face masks in public places has become compulsory for everyone. Anyone who was caught flouting the rules will be fined of up to RM1,000.

For people who wear spectacles, wearing face masks can be quite annoying. The spectacles tend to become foggy because of the warm air that was released when you breathe. It feels as if you wanted to avoid breathing as much as you can or you wanted some intelligent inventions to help you out. No worries, here are five tips for you to try to avoid foggy spectacles while wearing face masks.

1. Use soap and water

Wash your spectacles with soap or dishwashing detergent and wipe them dry. The risk of fogging can be reduced as a thin film of soap leftover on the spectacles reduce the tension between the water molecules in your breath. Avoid using anything that contains lotion that might smear the lenses.

2. Wear your spectacles over your mask

Pull the mask higher onto your face mask to divert the warm air away from your spectacles. Try changing the position of the spectacles to be on top of the material.

3. Mind the gap

The gap between the mask and your nose bridge can let the warm air to escape behind the lenses. Adjust the nose bridge strip to fit tightly enough over your nose.

4. Tape it down

Close the gap onto your mask by taping it down across the bridge of your nose. Use medical tape that is safe for the skin. Some healthcare professionals would put a strip of surgical tape to avoid foggy glasses even before the pandemic.


5. Use a tissue

Try putting a folded tissue under the top of your face mask at the bridge of your nose. The tissue should be absorbing the warm air and prevents it from fogging the spectacles.


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