In 2017, a five years old Indian boy was separated by his conjoined twin. According to BBC News, the boy died falling ill from sepsis.
Jaga and Kalia, two twins whose head was conjoined together, went through multiple surgeries when they were only two years old.
Around 30 doctors carried out the surgery for their separation in 2017 at Delhi’s All India Institute of Medical Sciences. It was a sensation that struck India as one of the first conjoined twin’s cases.
Their condition, where both twins are conjoined by the head is known as craniopagus.
Despite the doctors saying that Kalia had no issues until last week, where his condition seemed to get worse. “Five days ago, his condition suddenly turned critical,” Dr. Bhubanananda Maharana said.
Kalia died on Wednesday after falling ill with sepsis, doctors said.
Through the final operation where they had won against all odds, the craniopagus is a rare occurrence that only happens one in three million births and half of them died after 24 hours.
Source: BBC News