The world of a young child is full of new foods to taste, new people to meet, new games to play, words to understand, places to visit, and concepts to master. The infant and toddler will touch, taste, smell, climb over, poke at, take apart, watch, listen, and learn more than at any other time in life. It is, simply, how we learn.
Curiosity grows from the safe and familiar. A secure child with a familiar teacher on a field trip to the zoo will be excited. She will explore and ask dozens of questions. In contrast, a shy or timid child will quietly tolerate the field trip and feel mostly discomfort.
A Twitter user @aQuoteAday tweeted a picture of things we’ve done in our childhood.
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Things we’ve done at least once before.— Jay Lim (임병준) (@aQuoteAday) November 25, 2020
1. Talking directly to a fan
We all must have seen a fan and went closer to it as a kid – trying to cool ourselves down. During that time, we must have spoken in front of it and noticed that our voices sounded wonky.
From then on we just kept doing it!
2. Clipping the skin on your finger
As kids, we all must have gotten a hair clip or have a hair clip laying somewhere at home. For some reason, we would pick it up and pinch it between our fingers.
There doesn’t have to be a reason, we were just curious about how it felt like.
3. Climbing up a door
As children, all of us were very energetic. We would climb into things and get ourselves in trouble, as we did.
One of the things we climbed was the door, seeing if we could reach higher ground – some of us might even compete with other kids to show who’s superior!
4. Stabbing your eraser with your pencil
I think this is a given when you have both an eraser and a sharp pencil. Somehow, the need to stab something to a pierceable surface was embedded when we were children.
Let’s just hope we’ll keep that obsession in a safe and innocent way!
Source: Twitter @aQuoteAday