On the 29th of November 2020, a fireball had been seen in the sky over Japan. According to a statement, the incident of the fireball happened at the time around 1:34 in the morning. The glow from the particular fireball was bright enough to be seen through any closed curtains. Takeshi Inoue who is the director of the Akashi Municipal Planetarium in Hyogo Prefecture said that the last burst of light from the fireball was “as bright as a full moon”.
流れ星の中でも特に明るく輝く火球が、29日午前1時半すぎに、西日本の広い範囲で、観測されました。https://t.co/QCOgTZy7qp pic.twitter.com/RKTx7zYwkN
— NHKニュース (@nhk_news) November 28, 2020
関東地方の広い範囲で見えた可能性があります。 pic.twitter.com/J5GDDdVCXY— KAGAYA (@KAGAYA_11949) November 25, 2020
29日未明、流れ星の中でも特に明るい火球が静岡県内の各地で観測されました。 pic.twitter.com/Vt74k5de82
— 日テレNEWS (@news24ntv) November 29, 2020
Many people have hypothesized that the bright fireball could have been a bolide which is a type of shooting star that emits brightness comparable to a full moon. There are also some Twitter users hearing a rumbling noise, which the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan considers quite a rare phenomenon to happen.
Sources: Twitter NHKニュース, Twitter KAGAYA, Twitter 日テレNEWS.