At this time, many people already miss the atmosphere on the plane to their destination of choice. Seeing the blue clouds is sure to arouse your appetite and all the food will automatically be delicious.
Most recently, a cafe in Johor Bahru has featured designs similar to those on airplanes. The cafe comes with first-class flights and windows with ‘blue clouds’.
The Dreamliner Airways cafe also serves a wide selection of food types from Western, Japanese, Korean, and even Malaysian food. Apparently, there are many menu options that you can try here.
In fact, the waiters, chefs, and even the kitchen staff also wore uniforms such as the cabin crew and a pilot. Not only that, but the customer order system is also made like a ‘boarding pass’ before being handed over to the server.
If you want to visit here, this cafe is open daily from 11 am to 11 pm. What are you waiting for? Let’s stop by the cafe with the concept of eating on this plane.
Sources: The Dreamliner Airways Cafe