The Midnight Sky is a science fiction film directed by George Clooney, based on the 2016 novel ‘Good Morning, Midnight’ by Lily Brooks-Dalton. The film stars George Clooney himself as a scientist on an important mission to explore the Arctic Circle with a young girl to warn a spacecraft that will return to Earth following a global catastrophe.
Augustine Lofthouse (George Clooney) was an ambitious scientist trying to find a planet that could be inhabited by humans and continue to grow.
Two weeks after the incident, Augustine, who was working at the North Pole, did not want to leave his base, knowing that he could not live because of his serious illness and needed dialysis treatment.
Alone, he tried to contact any spacecraft mission that year in hopes of warning them about the situation on Earth but found that only one mission was still active.
The Æther spacecraft, on its way back from Jupiter after exploring the human K-23 moon. This spacecraft crew was unaware of what was happening on Earth. Augustine tried to contact them, but the Earth and communications reception antenna was too weak to reach the signal.
One night while at work, Augustine finds a young girl, Iris, at his base station who has no ability to speak. Augustine and Iris set out for another base in the North Pole hoping to find an antenna strong enough to contact Æther. The couple faced various challenges in the extreme freezing conditions that hit Earth.
What will happen to them both, and what will happen to the ship crew?
This you have to watch for yourself. Let’s see this trailer for The Midnight Sky.
The Midnight Sky
This film carries a rather heavy theme where how human beings feel when they are at the end of the world or doomsday. Left alone without anyone here, while suffering from chronic pain, is sure to give a realization to a human being.
Even so, this story also gives awareness to the audience when one has the initiative to change back past mistakes as well as improve the future for others.
There is a bit of a plot twist at the end of this story where you have to be sensitive to what happened to Augustine.
Overall, the storyline is quite interesting, like the movie ‘2012’, ‘Armageddon’, ‘Geostorm’ and its contemporaries with the theme of the end of the world. Only the elements brought by this story are less futuristic and able to lead the audience towards more advanced thinking.
Sources:, NetflixMY