There is actually so many Sushi Restaurant that has been established here in Malaysia and one of the popular one among the community would be the ‘Sushi Jiro’ restaurant. A lot of people have enjoyed the sushi that got served here. Unfortunately, there are things that are not good to hear by everyone when there are rumors saying that this Japanese Sushi Restaurant provides pork.
Because this serious allegation case has gone viral, ‘Sushi Jiro’ has decided to respond about it by dismissing the allegations through their official website and Facebook post.
Sushi Jiro has stated in the particular statement: “We would like to clarify and reassure that we are definitely pork-free. Regarding the fake information, we will investigate accordingly. Thank you very much”.
Other than that, Sushi Jiro also mentioned that there is no denying that they do not get ‘halal’ status because they prepare beer in their own restaurant and there are also even some dishes that use mirin for flavor purposes, but the mirin will evaporate when cooked.
However, they have assured that all the sources of their cooking ingredients come from distributors who have ‘halal’ certificates. In fact, the staff explained that the restaurant had no pork dishes at all.
Sources: Sushi Jiro