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Remove Tonsil Stones At Your Home, These Are Some Ways To Do It

Tonsil stones are also known as tonsilloliths are actually mineralization of debris within the crevices of the tonsils. When not mineralized, the presence of debris is known as chronic caseous tonsillitis (CCT). Symptoms may include bad breath. Generally, there is no pain, though there may be the feeling of something present. Risk factors may include recurrent throat infections. Tonsil stones contain a biofilm composed of a number of different bacteria.

They appear as a white or yellowish hard mass, ranging in size from very small to very large. The tonsils are two small mounds of tissue that lie at the back of the throat, one on either side. They help fight infections that enter through the mouth. They trap bacteria, viruses, and other foreign invaders and then “teach” the immune system how to fight these germs.

Picture: Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials

Here are some of the ways that people can try to remove tonsil stones at home:

1) Apple Cider Vinegar Or Any Vinegar. 

Dilute with water and gargle. Vinegar is supposed to be able to break down the stones because of its acidic content.

2) Garlic.

Studies have shown that garlic has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It may combat bacterial growth and infection.

3) Cotton Swab Or Finger.

If you can see the tonsil stone, you may be able to remove it by gently pressing it on the tonsil with a cotton swab. Do this very carefully as it may cause additional infection if done aggressively or if the stone’s larger. Gargle with saltwater immediately after you remove a tonsil stone this way. You shouldn’t do this unless the stone is easy to reach and small.

4) Coughing.

Depending on the size of the stone, coughing could dislodge a stone in some cases.

5) Essential Oils.

Some oils have anti-inflammatory or antibacterial properties. Examples are myrrh, thieves oil, and lemongrass. These may be able to help reduce or eliminate your tonsil stones. Dilute the essential oil in a carrier oil and place one or two drops on a toothbrush before brushing the stones. Be sure to follow the directions for each specific oil. Because of the number of bacteria, it’s recommended that you don’t use this toothbrush going forward.

6) Salt Water.

One study shows that rinsing with salt water is an effective treatment of oral wounds.

7) Yogurt.

Eating yogurt that contains probiotics may be able to counteract the bacteria causing tonsil stones.

8) Apples.

The acidic content of apples may help combat the bacteria in a tonsil stone.

9) Carrots.

Chewing carrots helps increase saliva and the production of natural antibacterial processes. This may help reduce or eliminate your tonsil stones.

10) Onions.

Onions are believed to contain strong antibacterial properties. Including them in your diet may help prevent or eliminate tonsil stones.

Sources: Healthline.

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