Everyone in this whole wide world would definitely have their own mission and also life goal of what they wanted to be in the future. It is really important for many people to set their goals in life early so that they could strive to reach their personal achievements. Some people are trying to achieve the goals that they have dreamed of for a long time.
But, some people also could have changed their minds about what they want to be. It is all up to the motivations and also the inspiration of the individual actually. This particular video that went viral on TikTok shows a man who has shared some of the challenges that many people have to face if there are people who wanted to work offshore.
Anda berminat untuk kerja offshore? Tengok tips ni dulu. ##OffshoreLife ##OffshoreTips ##SharingKnowledge
♬ Here’s Your Perfect – Jamie Miller
Through the posted video on the TikTok app, he shares some of the course challenges he knows that need to be faced by anyone who is interested before entering offshore. Several people were seen inside a container filled with water. Then the container is lowered slowly until it appears that the container is in an upside downstate. It is understood the container was supposedly considered a helicopter and they would have to escape if the helicopter spun in the water.
Sources: TikTok Khairul Amri.