For those who did not know, pregnancy increases the risk for severe illness and death with COVID-19. Pregnant mothers who have COVID-19 appear more likely to develop respiratory complications requiring intensive care than mothers who are not pregnant and this fact is actually according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Pregnant mothers have really high risk to get infected with COVID-19 because of their own low immune levels. It is actually so common for the immune system to weaken while mothers are pregnant, which makes them more susceptible to get sick. Here are actually 5 facts about pregnant mothers have a higher risk to get COVID-19.
@dr.samhanIBU HAMIL RISIKO TINGGI DIJANGKITI COVID ##tiktokguru ##jombelajar ##learnontiktok♬ Denting – Fadhilah Intan ✨
- The risk is 62% higher for pregnant mothers to be warded in the ICU compared to non-pregnant mothers.
- 1 in 5 pregnant mothers will experience premature birth.
- The risk of infection from the mother towards the baby would be 8%.
- Pregnant mothers are advised to take Pfizer, Sinovac, and also AstraZeneca. Ministry Of Health recommends when the mothers are during 13 to 33 weeks of pregnancy.
- Make sure pregnant mothers always wear a double face masks, face shields, maintain their distance from other people, and always wash their hands with soaps and also hand sanitizers.
Sources: TikTok Dr. Samhan.