The COVID-19 recovery process, including how quickly you can expect to recover actually depends on whether you have a mild, moderate, or even severe case of the illness. Since this particular COVID-19 case is a fairly new disease, experts are definitely still studying how people recover from it. They are also studying the possible long-term effects.
It can take anywhere from several weeks to months to recover from severe COVID-19 illness and you may be in the intensive care unit and possibly even on a ventilator. If you are recovering from COVID-19, it can take some time for your strength and pulmonary function to return back to normal. These are 5 symptoms to look at recovering from it.
@dr.samhanAPA GEJALA SEMBUH DARI COVID #jombelajar #learnontiktok #tiktokguru
All of these stated symptoms are called the Post COVID syndrome. They also could last for 3 months:
- Still not relieved from coughing.
- Easily becomes breathless.
- Prolonged body aching.
- Constant chest pain.
- Always got a headache.
Sources: TikTok Dr. Samhan.