Big Hero 6 is actually a 2014 American computer-animated superhero film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Inspired by the Marvel comics of the same name created by Man of Action, the film is the 54th Disney animated feature film. Directed by Don Hall and Chris Williams, the film tells the story of Hiro Hamada, a young robotics prodigy, and Baymax, his late brother Tadashi’s healthcare provider robot, who forms a superhero team to combat a masked villain who is responsible for Tadashi’s death.
Little did many people in this whole wide world who watch Big Hero 6 know, there are some details that people do not notice. These details usually make the story come together and make the movie makes sense for the viewers. Do not worry, because this article would help you to notice them. These are 5 poignant details in it.
1) Baymax Is Greatly Inspired By Baby Penguins
The film’s animation team studied robots, human babies, and a variety of animals to help refine Baymax’s awkward but appealing style of movement, finding their greatest inspiration in the waddle of baby penguins.
2) Honey Lemon Uses Her Chemistry Knowledge At A Moment’s Notice To Fight Creatively
Looking at Honey Lemon’s purse, there are abbreviations for elements of the periodic table. Honey Lemon does not just go into battle, push a button and have it spit out a pre-made chemical ball. She literally encounters an obstacle, comes up with a solution in her head, and types up a formula for it on the fly.
3) Callaghan’s Microbots Sound More Sinister
In Big Hero 6, when Hiro uses the microbots they sound like Legos snapping together. When Callaghan uses them, they sound like a rattlesnake.
4) Baymax Considers Flying A Treatment For Hiro
Baymax tells Hiro that flying makes him fells better healthcare companion. This is because earlier in the film, Hiro’s mental state is improved after he and Baymax go for a ride.
5) San Fransokyo Is An Alternate Future
Big Hero 6 set is in an alternate future where after the 1906 earthquake, San Francisco was rebuilt by Japanese immigrants using techniques that allow movement and flexibility in a seismic event. After the city was finished being rebuilt, it was renamed San Fransokyo due to it being a city with Japanese and American architecture combined.
Sources: Ranker.