There are definitely a lot of diet techniques that could be practiced by a lot of people in this whole wide world. All of these diet techniques have a different approach that would help the people that practice it to lose weight and also to achieve the dream weight that they have targetted. There is one diet technique that is so popular comes from Japan.
The mentioned diet technique is called the ‘Hara Hachi Bu’ diet technique. For those who might not know, the term ‘Hara Hachi Bu’ is actually a Japanese term that brings the meaning “eat until you’re 80% full”. The origin of this diet technique comes from the city of Okinawa. It is one of the ways that people use to control their eating habits.

Picture: Blue Zones
According to a statement produced by Medium, “This particular diet not only extends the life expectancy of the people who tried it but it also could help to delay the appearance of aging. By avoiding over-eating, this diet helps avoid obesity, acid reflux, and gastrointestinal problems. This diet helps to lose weight through balanced eating”.
Ways To Practice ‘Hara Hachi Bu’ Diet Technique
- Never Think Too Much About The Weight Loss Or Even Calorie Intake.
- According to the Okinawan way, it is important to do everything in moderation and not to rush things over. As you eat in your daily life, practice mindfulness by listening to your body, and do not be greedy.
- Eat In A Slow Pace.
- You will definitely eat more if you eat at a fast pace. That is why you should slow down when you eat so that you allow your body to respond to cues, which can tell you that you are not hungry anymore.
- Focus On The Food When You Eat.
- Make sure you are not distracted by any other type of digital gadget when you are eating. When you are less distracted, you would consume less and then savor the food more.
- Use Small Tableware.
- Make sure to eat on smaller plates or even use narrow glasses so that you would consume less.
Sources: CNBC, Indian Express.