This is actually something that has been going on for quite a long time in this whole wide world and a lot of people already know about it. Known as the Coronavirus, this virus causes a global pandemic that has affected many people in every aspect of their life. Even though it is well-known by many, this article helps to acknowledge people to know more about it, especially through the scientific perspective. Let’s see what it looks like under an electron microscope.
As starters, Coronaviruses are indeed a large family of viruses that cause disease in humans and animals. In humans, it usually causes respiratory tract infections, ranging from the common cold to serious illness. Little did many people know, there are various different types of Coronavirus exist in this world but there is only one specific type of virus from the mentioned family that causes COVID-19 and has been huge trouble to many people around this world. For easier understanding, these are the 4 common strains of Coronavirus as can be seen under an electron microscope.
1) Human Coronavirus 229E

The human coronavirus 229E is a strain that is known as the alphacoronaviruses. This particular strain does not bring huge harm to the human body as it can be seen quite frequently among humans. It causes the common cold.

This is often a more extreme strain of coronavirus, and it is distant more dangerous than the common cold that people usually get. MERS-CoV, which stands for Center Eastern respiratory disorder was, to begin with, detailed in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Since that point, approximately 37% of those tainted have kicked the bucket because of it.

This coronavirus rose to shame back in the year 2002 to 2003, when it cleared over the 26 nations, tainting a total number of 8,000 individuals with influenza-like indications. SARS-CoV, a serious intense respiratory disorder, was the antecedent to COVID-19, and it failed after around 9 months.
4) SARS-CoV-2

This strand is the cause for the current open episode of COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 is exceptionally comparable to MERS-CoV and the initial SARS-CoV, and it begins when it was officially found in China at the end of the year 2019. There have been approximately 140,000 cases of COVID-19, with a current mortality rate of 7% and the numbers and percentage keep on increasing. In mid-February, NPR distributed a piece that showed pictures of SAR-CoV-2, taken from beneath the sharp eye of a filtering electron magnifying lens.