People who are in crowded areas are required to activate the MySejahtera Trace function to help get notifications in case of close contact to a positive case.
The matter was informed by the Minister of Health, Khairy Jamaluddin during a live press conference from Parliament just now.
“As we are required to check-in, then for crowded areas such as restaurants and shopping malls, it is mandatory to activate MySejahtera Trace as it will help notify if we are close contact to a positive case.
“Implementation and enforcement are more about community empowerment, we made it mandatory but it is up to you,” he said.
The MySejahtera Trace feature is an additional feature that was introduced voluntarily to really assist with contact tracing for all the people who live in Malaysia.
Things that you should know when updating your MySejahtera app to have the ‘MySJ Trace’ feature:
- ‘MySJ Trace’ uses Bluetooth technology to more accurately determine your proximity to other people.
- MySejahtera app can better determine if you are a close contact, or not.
- If at any time you do not wish to participate, you can simply disable the permissions, reinstall MySejahtera.
- To monitor users’ health conditions and take immediate actions in providing treatments.
- When a user is identified to be COVID-19 positive, the user will initiate a process to upload the data from the user’s smartphone to a secured database managed by the MOH.
Sources: Ministry of Health