There is no better way to show compassion and love for the less fortunate this holy month of Ramadan than by helping ease the financial burdens of two National Kidney Foundation Malaysia’s (NKF Malaysia) patients. Looking to raise RM10,000 each, the patients – Nurul Nadwa Badwi and Zaedah Jali are both in urgent need of funds for their dialysis treatment and are reaching out to the public for help.
Single mother Zaedah has been in a constant struggle with everyday life ever since she was diagnosed with kidney failure when she was 37 years old. Things went spiralling downwards upon the diagnosis, where she found out that both her kidneys have stopped functioning after giving birth to her fourth and youngest child. Shortly after that, her husband walked out on her and their children.
The 62-year-old has been struggling to cope ever since, raising all four children by herself and making ends meet all while keeping up with her dialysis treatment. Unfortunately for her, she is unable to receive a kidney transplant although there have been willing donors in the past because her body is too weak to undergo the major surgery. As a result, she has no choice but to go through haemodialysis for the rest of her life.
“I’m so grateful and thankful to NKF Malaysia who has helped me through the tough times as a kidney failure patient for the past 25 years. It has not been easy but NKF Malaysia has certainly made things a little easier for me thanks to their kind treatment and nurses who have looked after me really well all these years,” she said.
Meanwhile, 33-year-old Puan Nurul Nadwa, has been working as a part-time administration officer in a security firm since graduating from Universiti Teknologi MARA 7 years ago. She was diagnosed with kidney disease back in November 2013 after her feet, body and face swelled up. In addition to that, she had shortness of breath and found it hard to breathe. Further checks showed that her heart also swelled up and it is because of that and her weak state that she may not be able to receive a kidney transplant unless her conditions improve.
This donation from the public would really mean a lot to her as it would be able to help cover her treatment expenses.
“My younger brother Is willing to give me his kidney but unfortunately, he is still too young at the moment. I really hope that I will be able to get a kidney transplant soon so that I can stop my dialysis treatment and continue leading a normal life as there is still so much that I want to learn, do and explore. At the same time, I will also always be grateful for the help and support given to me by NKF Malaysia all these years,” she said.
In conjunction with the holy month of Ramadan, NKF Malaysia would like to reach out and help their critically needy patients through donation drives like this. “To show that we do care and that we understand the plight of some of our less fortunate patients, we would like to do something to ease their financial burdens and at the same time bring some joy for the upcoming festive season. The funds collected would really mean a lot to us and to our patients as well. Every little bit helps, so we hope that the kind Malaysians out there can find it in their hearts and give wholeheartedly this Ramadan season. In the spirit of giving and forgiving, we would like to also take this opportunity to thank those who have donated and also to wish all our Muslim friends Selamat Berpuasa and Selamat Hari Raya,” said Dato’ Dr. Zaki Morad Mohamad Zaher, Chairman of NKF Malaysia.
For those who wish to donate, kindly visit; or