Fragrance mistakes are something that many people do not know. Even though there are a lot of people in this whole wide world that use fragrances, there are still some important tips that they still need to learn. The all-rounded tips.
Not knowing these mistakes could lead you to smell even worse. We definitely would not want that to happen to us right. This is because it would be so embarrassing on so many levels. These are 5 fragrance mistakes to know by all.
1) Rubbing Fragrance
This is the major mistake that many people usually commit. Rubbing fragrance is definitely a no when you wanted to wear fragrance. This is because it could easily damage the top notes of the fragrance and it is such a waste. For those who are not familiar, every fragrance has three different notes. They are the top notes, middle notes, and base notes.
2) Use The Same Fragrance
It is actually not the wrong thing to buy many different fragrances for you to wear. Instead, wearing the same one over and over again is a mistake. One single fragrance for every occasion is not the right thing to do. It is in fact limiting your own potential. Do not be surprised but wearing the perfect fragrance for a particular occasion really affects how you would behave. That is actually such amazing information to know for people wearing fragrances.
3) Applying Too Much
You should only know the important point of where you want to spray your fragrance. It all depends on the venue that you are going to. If you are in an open space, it is better to have a higher amount of spray. On the contrary, when you are in a smaller space room. You only have to spray just a few amounts of fragrance on you. Not too much.
4) Not Moisturizing Skin
Little did many people know, that it is very important to always moisturize your skin. When you wear fragrance on skin that is not moisturized, you will cut the lifespan of the fragrance by half. That is why your fragrance won’t last long compared to other people. Dehydrated skin is not a perfect surface to make contact with the fragrance you wear.
5) Not Wearing Any Fragrance
This is also a major mistake to do. Especially, if you are a grown person. Fragrance can surely help you to boost your confidence and also helps you to feel better when you are in a crowd. It helps to elevate your mood as well. Who does not want that right? The important part is to choose the scent that is perfect for you and you are comfortable with.
Sources: YouTube Teachingmenfashion.