Kuala Lumpur, 18 May 2022 – The 6th International Conference and Postgraduate Colloquium for Environmental Research 2022 (POCER 2022) is organised biannually by the University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM). The POCER 2022 will be held from 9 to 11 June 2022 at Langkawi and is co-organised by Human Life Advancement Foundation (HLAF), Xiamen University Malaysia (XMUM), UCSI University, Malaysia (UCSI) and the International Bioprocessing Society (IBPROCS).
POCER aims to provide a platform for scientists, policymakers, and industry players to engage in discussions with fellow researchers on their works in science, technology and environmental research. The theme for the 6th POCER is: “The Green Industrial Revolution of the Next Decade”. This topic is timely with the evolution of automated systems and green processing technologies that is increasing interest in the green industries 4.0 recently. POCER 2022 expects to receive more than 300 scientists, academicians and industrial participants from over 100 institutions and 30 countries.
POCER 2022 will involve the sharing of scientific knowledge and application among participants from both academia and industry. The participation of industry players will give an overview of the success and failure stories in industrial-based research, laying out the importance to curb the Journey to the Valley of Death. Several sessions in POCER are also catered for experienced industry stakeholders to share their insights on environmental research management and perspectives.
POCER 2022 is also working alongside the Langkawi Development Authority (LADA) for the “One Tourist, One Tree Campaign”, under the ‘Penanaman 100 Juta Pokok – Program Penghijauan Malaysia’ campaign coordinated by The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (KeTSA) Malaysia, in which all the participants will plant a tree to support the conservation of the country’s biodiversity, and to enhance the quality of Langkawi’s natural environment. This event will be held on the last day of the conference. On top of that, LADA will also be rendering its on-site support via MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Conference, Exhibition) incentives that are made available to eligible event organisers.
One of the most anticipated outcomes of the 6th POCER 2022 is the establishment of the world’s 1st Algae Biotechnology Consortium (ABC), consisting of over 30 local and international institutions, and industrial partners from around the world. ABC is the first and only algae consortium in the world.
ABC focuses on four major elements:
i) algae cultivation
ii) algal biotechnology,
iii) algae storage and identification using artificial intelligence, and
iv) commercialisationof algae-based products in Asean.
ABC aims to embrace algae as an essential solution towards a sustainable planet and the replacement of over-exhausted fossil fuel products. It was formed with the intention to create a greener future through research-based education, public outreach and engagement as well as to promote the renewable energy potential of algae biomass to transform and develop the human society and environment upon which it depends.
ABC will also facilitate a future in which algae are the fundamental source of future food, energy, nutrition, bio products, and ecological services for sustainable practices amongst societies worldwide. Moving in the direction of this algae research initiative, ABC is committed to creating an impact within Malaysian communities, in finding better solutions for a sustainable future.
The ABC idea was formed on the basis of excellent scientific and industrial engagement in algae upstream and downstream processing from the key member, University of Nottingham Malaysia Co-Director of Future Food Malaysia, Beacon of Excellence, and Director of Food Processing Research Center, Prof Ir. Ts. Dr. Show Pau Loke, who envisioned the ultimate utilisation of renewable aquatic source of algae for countless applications and products.
The Organising Chair and Co-Chairs of the 6th POCER 2022, Professor Ir. Ts. Dr. Show Pau-Loke (UNM), Associate Professor Dr. Ooi Chien Wei (IBPROCS), Assistant Professor Dr. Chew Kit Wayne (XMUM), and ChM. Dr. Khoo Kuan Shiong (UCSI) would like to thank all the organising committees of the 6th POCER 2022, Industry Advisors (Dato Wong Yew Kai and Mr. Noor Azmi Mat Said), the international advisory board members and supported sponsors (Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB), Langkawi Development Authority (LADA), Malaysia Airlines, KLK Oleo, BioCare, Advaspire, Donewell, Global Water Consultants, BESiG IChemE, Atmosphere360 @ KL Tower and Evergreen) for the accomplishment of the 6th POCER 2022.
For further information, kindly visit https://www.nottingham.edu.my/Conferences/POCER/index.aspx