When you are at university, you will always strive to get excellent results. You must have your study tips. You feel that it is a benchmark for your level of intelligence. Indeed you have your way and practice to achieve that. However, it is not an easy journey to get good results.
Username @ranuculusbutterfly on TikTok, or Mira shares her learning tips to get the dean’s list. Mira, a final-year student, replies to one of the other TikTok user videos. In the video, the user asked about how to study effectively and have good time management while pursuing the degree.
The tips she shared have two parts. Here is attached a video of both parts of the tips.
Part 1
@ranunculusbutterfly #stitch with @NatNat my street smart #studytips #deanlist #unilife #university
♬ original sound – mira adriana | susew.studio – Mira Adriana
Part 2
@ranunculusbutterfly #stitch with @mew
Study tips to get the dean’s list every semester
1) Do a Google search on quizzes about “what is the best study method for me.” From there, you are more knowledgeable about the way of study that suits your practice.
2) You need to know the total of marks you need for an A score in a particular subject. Usually, you need to get a minimum of 80/100 for an A score.
3) It would be best if you focused on the coursework you want—for example, individual assignment, group assignment, mini project, etc.
4) Put efforts into getting the dean’s list during the first and second semesters. The early semester is the best time to set your pace and benchmark until you finish your studies.
5) Make sure you don’t use the phone to set the duration of your study. Better to get a kitchen timer and study planner for better time management. She suggests using the Pomodoro method for study, which is to divide the time:
- 40 minutes to study
- 20-30 min for rest
She will set study time for only 2 to 3 hours a day.
Last but not least, she pointed out that there will be differences in how student review their lessons. Her method will not work for everyone, but it can be used as a reference to determine a good way of learning.
Sources: @ranuculusbutterfly