Pusat Sains Negara or The National Science Centre is one of the prominent tourist landmarks of the locals. It is an informal learning institution where children and adults can learn about the world of science in a fun and comprehensive way.
Not only that, but the public can also enhance their understanding of Science and Technology. As these subjects are currently in demand today, it’s one of the ministry’s efforts to introduce the importance of science and technology in our everyday life.

Picture: Facebook Pusat Sains Negara Kuala Lumpur
If we look closely, many places in Malaysia are worth visiting. And national heritage, like museums or educational centres, is also one of the top choices for the majority of Malaysian parents.
However, when a family is excited to visit the place, only to stand in line for a long time, surely the experience will no longer be enjoyable.
Long queues before entering Pusat Sains Negara
A Twitter user, Diyana (@DiyanaDhaniah), shared her not-so-very-fun experience visiting the National Science Centre a few days ago.
Sampai sekarang tak faham kenapa Pusat Sains Negara tak boleh book ticket online? Time PKP boleh buat tapi kenapa sekarang dah takde dah features tu. Just tunjuk harga je.
Tengok la beratur panjang macam mana. pic.twitter.com/zM7EXD4lMf
— Diyana (@DiyanaDhaniah) December 27, 2022
Sadly, she had to stand in a queue for a long time as the centre was congested with many visitors that day.
This raised a question that many curious Malaysians could relate to: there’s no online ticketing system for it? Wouldn’t it be easier to book tickets prior to the day of visitation? Not only could it save time, but also energy. Visitors don’t have to wait in line if they’ve purchased the ticket online.
An online ticketing system was available during MCO
Diyana said an online ticketing system was available during the lockdown but not now when the ban was lifted. On the contrary, only ticket prices are shown on the website without the ‘book online’ option.
The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation tweets an answer
As the tweet garnered attention from the public, the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation YB Chang Lih Kang stepped into the thread to answer Diyana’s concern.
Minta maaf atas segala kesulitan. Kami dari pihak MOSTI akan lakukan yg terbaik utk memperbaiki keadaan. Sementara menerokai bbrp kaedah online, Pusat Sains Negara akan kerahkan lebih staf utk kendalikan penjualan tiket.
— Chang Lih Kang (@changlihkang) December 28, 2022
Chang answered:
Apologies for the inconvenience caused. MOSTI will try our best to look into this issue and figure out a solution. While we are trying to explore various methods of online [ticketing system], we will make use of our staff’s expertise in handling ticket selling.
Upon receiving a reply, Diyana responded, “Thank you for your concern, YB. I hope further actions will be taken immediately to ensure the quality of this centre. It’s crucial to keep a good image of the centre as it can nurture the love for science and technology in many.”
We hope MOSTI will make the next move ASAP, so people won’t have to queue for a long time.
Sources: Twitter Diyana (@DiyanaDhaniah), Website Pusat Sains Negara