Each time you are traveling somewhere, it is most likely you will have to stop at toll booths. To use the highway provided, you will be charged with some tolls. Before the existence of the Touch ‘n Go card, passengers will pay using cash.
Nowadays, Touch ‘n Go card is an important element to pass through toll booths. Nevertheless, some people have the opinion that Touch ‘n Go cards may be troublesome.
Let’s take a look at some opinions on Twitter
On Twitter, a Twitter user named Khairul Hafidz shared his opinion about this matter. He wished for the usage of Touch ‘n Go for tolls could be reduced. Many Malaysians already have credit or debit cards. Therefore, he suggested the Malaysian Minister of Transport, Anthony Loke enforce the use of these cards for tolls.
Ke hadapan YB Menteri Pengangkutan @anthonyloke
Harapan saya, pembayaran tol menggunakan T&G boleh dah dikurangkan, saya fikir rata-rata sudah punya kad debit/kredit, mengapa tidak memperkasakan sistem ini? Bukan ke ini juga salah satu monopoli syarikat?
— Khairul Hafidz (@khairul_hafidz) December 7, 2022
Many agree with his opinion. Nevertheless, other Twitter users revealed that using credit or debit cards for tolls might be inconvenient. This is because bank cards have a time limit where at midnight, the cards could not be accessed.

Picture: @khairul_hafidz
Besides that, there is also a comment on Khairul Hafidz’s tweet, mentioning that he preferred all options to be enforced at the toll booths. For example, there should be a payment through Radio-frequency identification (RFID), using Touch ‘n Go card, and Smart Tag.

Picture: @khairul_hafidz
Another Twitter user also gave his two-cent by mentioning that tolls could be settled through smartphones. Through smartphones, people can scan the Quick-Response Code (QR Code) through Touch ‘n Go, e-Wallet, or parking application.

Picture: @khairul_hafidz
Other way that can be done is by enhancing the tolls through the billing system, like what we have done for water and electricity bills. This plan is proposed by a Twitter user, @quelysir.

Picture: Twitter @khairul_hafidz
All of these approaches might benefit people. Therefore, we hope that our Minister of Transport, Anthony Loke reviews these approaches and thinks of the best for the public.
What do you think about this? Do you have any suggestions?
Sources: @khairul_hafidz (Twitter)