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What Is The Meaning of ‘Bin’ Or ‘Binti’ In Your Name?

bin or binti
Pictures: TikTok ZabidahCoza

Typically, in Malaysia, especially in the Malay community, their name will include bin or binti according to their gender. But it’s not only restricted to the Malays. Some ethnicities in Borneo also use this term to differentiate men and women.

Since the use of bin or binti has been engraved in our society for so long, have you ever wondered what it means? What significance does it bring to your name?

bin or binti

Picture: Verywell Family

If you’re at the edge of your seat, curious to dissect the meaning of it, don’t worry! A TikTok user ZabidahCoza (@zabidahcoza), explained its purpose!


Replying to @Animax08 #tiktokguru credit to

♬ C.I.N.T.A – XPDC

What is Bin or Binti?

A user asked ZabidahCoza:

“Bro, I don’t have bin or binti in my name, but I’m not an illegitimate child. My name is Maxwell Jerry, and I don’t have the ‘bin’.”

ZabidahCoza explained,

Bin is:
B = Belong
I = In
N= Name
This refers to their family’s name.

Then, Binti is a bit complicated.

B = Belong
I = In
N = Name
T = To and
I = Initial
This term is different from bin because it’s for women. According to ZabidahCoza, women can only use their family name once. When married, their children will use the husband’s family name.

Additionally, there’s also another term that’s not widely used but exists: Bte.

B = Belong
T = To
E = Eve
Why? Because women are rooted in Eve (or Hawa).

In Malay and Arabic, the bin is a term that means ‘the son of’, while binti is ‘the daughter of’. The term originated from an Arabic word (ابن) for the sons and (بنت) for the daughters.

Can we discard the bin or binti in our names?

In another video, the user explained that it’s possible not to use the term in our names.


Replying to @mischele #tiktokguru

♬ Malam Semakin Dingin – Tajul & Afieq Shazwan

However, you need to write an appeal letter while registering the name.

Why can you not use it?

  1. Bin or binti are only Arabic words that don’t mean anything specific. It’s also not a necessity to the name.
  2. The bin or binti system isn’t used in other countries. Thus, this can lead to confusion on their behalf.
  3. No confusion in terms of your religion because your parents are certified Muslims.

How far is this true?

If you’re still wary of the explanations given above, there’s a website that extensively explains that bin or binti can be omitted from your name. You can read it here.

But do know this doesn’t happen automatically. It’s an opt-out process, meaning you appeal to the authorities with reasons why you want to do so.

In our understanding, names are like a prayer. If you have a good name: when someone calls you, it’s as if they’re praying for you. Yet, don’t let the bin or binti be your greatest concern: with or without, it doesn’t define who you are.

We hope this answers your questions!

Sources: TikTok ZabidahCoza, Cultural Atlas, Ask Legal

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