Netizens, especially Malaysians, couldn’t sleep peacefully last night after the infuriating match against Vietnam in the AFF Mitsubishi Electric Cup.
Usually, in a football match, the players will get the most attention. They will always be the centre of attraction, whether it’s because of their goals or a little feud on the field. However, last night’s match was a bit heated as the referee took the spotlight.
Who would have thought the referee could make some weird and questionable decisions that have netizens go absolutely furious?
What happened in the match?
From the start, everyone suspected the match would be intense as Vietnam is known to be a strong competitor. However, it didn’t relent Malaysian players’ spirit to play at their best.
But, as the game progressed, everyone found the referee, Ryuji Sato, a bit suspicious. Why?
As tweeted by a user, the referee of the match did as follows:

Picture: Twitter
Anger is an understatement for netizens
Netizens felt so many emotions while watching the match. Many were angry and dissatisfied with the referee’s decisions while adjudicating the game.
Twitter is flooded with many users voicing their dissatisfaction about last night’s game.

Picture: Twitter

Picture: Twitter
Netizens are confused as to why the referee granted a penalty to Vietnam when it wasn’t necessary.

Picture: Twitter
Being a referee isn’t as easy as many people think. They have to be alert to their surroundings. They also have to make the right judgment based on their experience and expertise while arbitrating the match.
We don’t know how far this issue is heading, but we hope there’s a resolution that could satisfy all parties.
We are still proud of the Harimau Malaya squad for doing their utmost best! Thank you for fighting for the country until the last whistle!
Source: Twitter