Recently, there have been posts about a crime called push pocket. The posts warn the public about the crime that is said to be happening at airports and light rail transit stations. The targeted place of crime is crowded and busy places.
The criminals who are executing the crime will slip mobile phones or wallets into the victims’ pockets or bags. Then, the criminals will accuse them of stealing their belongings. The victims of push-pocket crime will have to give them money in order to settle the situation. If the victims deny to give them money, the criminals will report them to the police.
The viral posts about push pocket crime have alerted Royal Malaysia Police or PDRM to investigate further about the situation. From the investigation, the posts have been viral since a few years back — 2016. Nevertheless, the posts are posted again on some social media platforms.
PDRM also reports that there are no crimes involving push-pocket crime recently. Therefore, PDRM hopes for the public to not solely believe anything on social media before investigating further. The action might cause anxiousness and trouble to the public who actually believes it.
Nevertheless, we still need to be careful wherever we go for our safety.

Picture: @PDRMasia
Source: @PDRMsia (Twitter)