It is 2023! However, do Makcik Bawang still bother you with their insensitive questions? No worries, this woman on TikTok can help you with that.
Before that, for those who do not know what is Makcik Bawang, it is a term for elderly women who like to gossip. Their gossip could come from the insensitive questions they ask you like ‘when to get married,’ ‘how much money do you make’ and so on. Aside from that, their questions will come with a comparison between you and someone they are related to. For instance, their son or daughter. They will make you look like you are nothing compared to their child.
Back to the woman on TikTok, she can help you with that! We present you @afiqaaisyaa! In the video shared by her, she jokingly advertises a product that could help you with Makcik Bawang. The product is called SSTL (Spray Sahaja Terkelu Lidahnya).
@afiqaaisyaa Dapatkan sementara stock masih ada
But, what is that?
It is a spray to stop Makcik Bawang from questioning you their insensitive questions. It is easy to apply. Just spray it one time to their faces, and then voila! They would not be able to say a thing!
What a creative creation by @afiqaaisyaa! I wonder what would happen if the product did exist. I bet there will be many older women who can not speak.
Going through the comment section, many victims of Makcik Bawang play along with her advertisement.

Picture: @afiqaaisyaa
What are you waiting for? Go grab the products before they are gone!
Source: @afiqaaisyaa (TikTok)