Many people have already started the ‘gotong-royong‘ activity to celebrate the prosperous month of fasting. Aside from physically and mentally preparing themselves for the Ramadhan fever, many also decided to keep their houses clean. A clean and comfortable environment is the best to perform all the ibadahs this fasting month.
Additionally, the fasting month is best celebrated with family members. It’s one of the months when everyone can have a bit of a breather from their busy life. It’s also a great time to take things slow and fill your soul with positive thoughts. As some say, feed your soul with good things this Ramadhan.
We saw a video that really warmed our hearts. @sitikausarsowarni shared a post on TikTok that showed nine siblings were spring cleaning together for the upcoming fasting month!
The nine siblings were cleaning the house left by their late parents. It’s said that this house was now tended by the seventh sibling.
It’s nice to see a big and harmonious family gathering together. As everyone is busy with their lives, it’s understandable they don’t get many chances to spend quality time together. Occasions like this really help bond them!
Of course, when we say siblings, there’s bound to be some teasing and joking. Perhaps,s it’ll be more like a water fight than cleaning the house!
Everyone in the comment section is happy to see these siblings bonding time by gotong-royong.

Picture: TikTok @sitikausarsowarni

Picture: TikTok @sitikausarsowarni
We hope this house could be where these siblings can often meet to reminisce the memories of their late parents and childhood.
Source: TikTok @sitikausarsowarni