Everyone has at least one talent in them. It may be in cooking, music, sports, singing, artistic talent and more! Sometimes, people do not even know they have one or more talents because they are afraid to unleash them. But let us tell you this: Just embrace who you are!
Do you know Mr. Doodle? We guess that you have heard of him before. Read here. He is popular for doodling on things. Even his house is doodled! Most shockingly, his Tesla too!
We have found another Mr. Doodle, but the Malaysian version. @zameerpentbrush doodles on cars too! Not just cars, motorcycles, shirts, and more! Have you been to a 3D cafe before? Guess what? His doodling on cars and motorcycle looks like that. They look amazing like they come out straight from a comic book!
@zameerpentbrush Mangsa seterusnya… #cartoon #car #zameerpentbrush
@zameerpentbrush Ok2 dah siap dh kete kartun ni.mggu ni je ade terengganu,pasni blh jupe la area selangor plk kot.. #zameerpentbrush #cartoon #car
Aside from black paint, he also uses colourful paints. Check this out:
@zameerpentbrush Sbb aku ingat kata2 sorg ustaz tu..”diakhirat nanti syurga tu dipenuhi pendosa yg brtaubat dari org alim yg munafik.” #sprinttest #rxz
@zameerpentbrush Arrr musim dia nk mari dh.patut pon ramai budak sklah call.ingtkan ade cramah motivasi..sruh cnteng baju #spm plk… #zameerpenbrush
Don’t you feel you want to get the doodles on your car too? If you are interested, contact @zameerpentbrush!
Doodling is one of the talents that many aspire to have, and he is sure lucky to have the talent. Want to see more of his artistic touch by him? Visit his TikTok and get ready to be amazed!
Source: @zameerpentbrush (TikTok)