Ziona Chana, a man who was believed to be the father of the biggest family in the world, has died at the age of...
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Ziona Chana, a man who was believed to be the father of the biggest family in the world, has died at the age of...
There are actually so many different reasons why anime is considered to be one of the best action shows that have ever been made...
IPOH, June 15 — It has been a struggle for survival for a married couple here, who currently has no source of income due...
So many fans were heartbroken and devastated when the handsome artist and comedian, Lee Kwang Soo left the famous variety show, Running Man. After over...
KUALA LUMPUR, June 15 — Raya Airways Sdn Bhd has become the first Malaysian freight service provider to operate in Nanning, China. In a statement...
The internet recently blew up when the famous South Korean actor named Park Seo Joon is reportedly set to join the cast of Marvel‘s The Marvels and...
Happily dwelling in the corners of our homes, these dreadful lizard wreaks a lot of havoc by making their annoying unwelcome appearances when we...
KUALA LUMPUR, June 15 — The People’s Volunteer Corp (Rela) has denied allegations that it had used an individual’s personal data for automatic registration as a Rela member without...
An abandoned farmhouse that has not been touched for years is now an amazing time capsule introducing rural life from a century ago. The...
Social networking has been busy lately after a particular picture of a Jordanian girl named Rawan Dweik has been heavily circulated. She has Down...