The attitude of torturing animals should be avoided by humans. This is because, animals also actually have feelings and know the meaning of pain when tortured.
However, there is no denying that there are still some irresponsible people who are willing to torture animals without compassion. A footage of a group of workers pouring boiling water into a rubbish bin believed to be a rat inside.
The video that was shared on Facebook is said to have started sharing on Snapchat but the exact location of the incident in the video is still unknown although some claim that it happened in Portsmouth, Hampshire.
According to the Daily Star, the footage shows a man seen stuffing two rats in the trash before pouring boiling water on the animal.
A scream of pain was heard from the bin as one of the men continued to pour hot water into the bin.
One of the workers said the rats had died when the camera was aimed at the trash can.
A citizen who shared the video claimed that the group was a local cleaning worker or ‘recycling collector’. Plymouth City Council has clarified that no footage involved local cleaning workers.
A spokesman for the national waste management company Biffa also stated that the manager who inspected the recording was sure that none of their staff were involved and that the video was not recorded at the Biffa unit.
A spokesman for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) also said that the video had been sent for inspection and they are currently conducting an investigation.
Source: Daily Star, Metro UK, Plymouth Herald