A 34-year-old and 6-year-old has become the two first fatality linked to Covid-19 in Malaysia, through KKM’s today.
TERKINI: Dua kematian #COVIDー19 iaitu kes ke-178 dan kes ke-358 dilaporkan di CPRC, hari ini, 17 Mac.
1. Kes ke-178 lelaki warga Malaysia berumur 34 thn yang pernah hadir perhimpunan tabligh di Sri Petaling.
Beliau bergejala mulai 5 Mac & dirawat di Hospital Permai
— KKMPutrajaya (@KKMPutrajaya) March 17, 2020
The case of the 178th Malaysian man age 34 who had attended a tabligh rally in Sri Petaling. He was diagnosed from March 5 & was treated at Permai Hospital.
pada 12 Mac selepas positif COVID-19. Keadaan beliau merosot dan dimasukkan ke ICU. Beliau disah meninggal dunia hari ini.
2. Kes ke-358 lelaki warga tempatan 60thn mempunyai sejarah kronik. Mula bergejala pada 7 Mac dan dirawat Hosp. Umum Sarawak pd 14 Mac.
— KKMPutrajaya (@KKMPutrajaya) March 17, 2020
His condition deteriorated and was admitted to the ICU. He was then verified dead today.
The 358 cases, 60th local men has a chronic history. Started symptoms on March 7 and treated at Sarawak General Hospital on March 14.
Kesihatan mula merosot dan dimasukkan ke ICU. Beliau disahkan meninggal dunia pada 17 Mac.
— KKMPutrajaya (@KKMPutrajaya) March 17, 2020
On Monday night, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin announced a restricted movement order, which bars citizens from going overseas and foreigners from entering the country for about two weeks starting Wednesday to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 in the country.
As part of the order, public gatherings and movements in the whole country, including religious events, sports meets, social and cultural activities will be prohibited.
Source: Twitter KKM