Recently, a Malaysian doctor named Dr. Redza Zainol has posted a thread on his Twitter page sharing his experience when he forgot to recite ‘azan’ for a newborn baby who just got delivered, and unfortunately, the baby does not have a father. He stated in his tweet that he forgot to do that as he was really occupied with several serious cases to handle in the hospital.
Because of the situation, the doctor stated that he remembered an incident that happened before where he had to recite ‘azan’ also for a newborn baby that does not have a father of her own. At that time, he had a conversation with a nurse who worked there and the nurse gave him some advice on how to raise a daughter.
Cuainya saya.
Dulu pernah ada seorang jururawat minta tolong dari saya untuk azankan seorang bayi di wad bayi.
Waktu tu dah malam dan saya kerja seorang. Ditakdirkan malam tu sibuk dengan beberapa kes yang serius.
— Redza Zainol (@DrRedzaZainol) March 10, 2021
According to the tweet, the advice that he received:
- If you have a daughter, do not take it as an easy matter. Taking care of a daughter is not the same as taking care of a son.
- If you have a daughter, do not buy them sexy clothes. Teach them to dress modestly. Teach them the meaning of shame.
- If you have a daughter, do not let her sleep wherever she wants because the danger is everywhere. Do not trust anyone even your own family relatives.
- If you have a daughter, teach them the difference between safe touch and also unsafe touch.
- Teach them about self-esteem and also dignity. Teach them to love themselves.
- Teach your son to have respect for women especially for their own mothers.
- Teach your son to also have responsibilities at home. Cleaning toilets, picking up trash, and also hanging clothes is the boy’s job too.
- Teach your son how to solve or face problems in his life.
- Teach your son about empathy for family members and their partners. If they are ashamed to share knowledge with their children, they will look elsewhere as well.
The doctor also said a final piece of advice that is, “A father must maintain trust between the daughter and the father himself. Only then will the child not be afraid to tell anything to his father. Let the daughter complain about anything. Importantly, the father must be the best listener, even when busy with daily work”. This is because, when a daughter tells us things, that’s a sign she really believes in us.
Sources: Twitter Dr. Redza Zainol.