Recently, the number of suicidal cases in Malaysia has been increasing and this phenomenon is really disturbing and also worrying for many people. If there are people thinking about suicide, their pain may seem overwhelming and permanent. Feeling suicidal is not a character defect, and it does not mean that people like that are crazy, or weak, or flawed. It only means that they have more pain than they can cope with right now.
When someone says he or she is thinking about suicide or says things that sound as if the person is considering suicide, it can be very upsetting. You may not be sure what to do to help, whether you should take talk of suicide seriously, or if your intervention might make the situation worse. Taking action is always the best choice. Here are 7 simple things you can do to help.

Picture: Help Guide
1) Know The Signs
Suicide is a serious problem and any suicide threat or attempt should be taken seriously. Prevention first involves being able to recognize the warning signs of suicide, which can include:
- Extreme mood swings
- Feelings of hopelessness
- Giving away possessions
- Losing interest in activities
- Talking about death or suicide
- Saying goodbye to family and friends
- Saying that they are a burden
- Withdrawing from friends and family
2) Don’t Discount Their Feelings
While you may think that their problems aren’t serious enough to warrant suicidal thoughts or behaviors, what really matters is how serious they perceive them to be. If it feels important to them, then, in their mind, suicide may seem like a valid option. Listen to what they are saying without offering judgments. Don’t be dismissive of their experiences or emotions. Most importantly, never dismiss suicidal talk or threats. If a person is making comments that seem to indicate that they are depressed or thinking of taking their own life, you should always take them seriously.
3) Be A Good Listener
Being able to talk with a caring friend and unburden yourself from your troubles can go a long way in relieving the unbearable build-up of pressure that can lead to a suicide attempt. Being a good listener doesn’t require any special skills. Be patient and accepting, but avoid getting into an argument or trying to offer simplistic solutions. Avoid any “Have you tried X, Y, or Z” comments that focus on quick “fixes.” Such attempts might come off as insensitive and seem to trivialize what a person is experiencing. Simply be there and show that you care.
4) Encourage Them to Get Help
Even though some suicides may seem to come out of the blue, it’s quite likely that the person had been depressed for a very long time. Getting prompt professional assistance at the first signs of depression is a very important step in preventing suicide. Working to take away the stigma around depression and encouraging people who are hurting to get the help that they need right away can go a long way in saving lives because the problem is dealt with before it gets too bad.
5) Ask About Their Suicidal Feelings
While you may be afraid to bring up the topic of suicide for fear of giving them ideas, the fact is that those thoughts and feelings are there regardless of what you might say. What you are really doing by bringing the topic up is giving them an opportunity to open up to you and allow you to help them.
6) Don’t Leave Them Alone
If they seem to be in imminent danger of hurting themselves, do not leave them alone. Take steps to get them away from any means that they could use to hurt themselves, such as weapons or pills. Call emergency number for assistance if need be or offer to transport them to the hospital.
7) Know That Secrets Can Kill
If the person asks you to not tell anyone, be aware that you may have to break your promise in order to help them. Having your friend or loved one alive but angry with you is preferable to keeping a promise that leads to them taking their life.
Sources: Very Well Mind.