Maintaining a trim midsection does more than make you look great because it can also help you live longer. One type of belly fat that is referred to as visceral fat is actually a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other condition. Losing weight especially belly fat also improves blood vessel functioning and also improves sleep quality.
During the lockdown, some people might say that they have tough times for them to focus on getting rid of the belly fat. Little did they know, there are actually so many ways that you can do especially during lockdown to help you lose belly fat. These are actually 3 simple and also effective ways that you can do yourself at home to lose all the belly fat.
1) Do Some Form Of Resistance Based Workout Everyday
This does not mean that you have to have weights, a full gym, or even bands. If you have all these things, it is so awesome and uses them. Get a killer workout in. In reality, you can just use your bodyweight to really push to your limits. Bodyweight training can be very intense and also effective. Every day, do some form of training which just going to force some muscle to work.
2) Make Sure You Are In A Small Calorie Deficit But Still Enjoy The Food You Eat
If you have absolutely no idea what you are eating every day in calorific nutrition, it will mess everything up. You really got to have a structured diet that you enjoy and that you can stick to. Make sure that the diet is something that you actually enjoy and foods that you like.
3) Go For A Walk Everyday And Keep Your Step Count Up
You have to get up and get your daily walk. Force yourself to go out and walk. Make sure you get your steps as high you can. This is a really good thing. Make sure you keep an eye on how active you are doing in a week.
Sources: YouTube Charlie Johnson.