So, you’ve been talking to this guy but you’re not really sure if he’s just a friend or he’s interested in you. The next thing is that he starts off the conversation by saying ‘hey you’. Is that flirting or just some regular greeting?
It’s difficult enough to figure out what a guy is thinking in person, let alone through text! If you must know, saying “hey you” instead of “hey” or “hi” over text has a distinct feel to it. It adds a little bit to the conversation’s mood. The term “hey you,” is a far more lighthearted manner of approaching someone. It also conveys closeness and indicates that you have a connection.
We girls have a hard time knowing the difference but we can’t leave the boys hanging, can we? Don’t need to panic. Here are 7 super simple ways you can respond to a ‘hey you’ text from anyone guys.
1. Say ‘hey’ back

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The simplest reaction can also be the best reaction. A simple “hey” in response shows that you are interested in conversing with him. However, at the same time, it communicates to him that you want him to put in a bit more effort. After all, anyone can go about saying ‘hey’ right.
2. Give a friendly response, if you like him

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If the guy is a friend, crush, or someone you’ve been speaking with on a dating app, he’s probably flirting with you—or at the very least being cordial. If you think he’s flirting with you and want to reciprocate, send him a message in a similar tone. Here are some terms you could try:
- Hey yourself!
- Howdy, stranger!
- Hiya!
- Oh hey, ‘sup?
3. Try a neutral answer if you’re not sure

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If you don’t know him, this is a decent choice. You can also go this route if you just aren’t interested in him or are unsure of his intentions. Keep it courteous, but don’t imitate his overbearing tone. Consider anything along these lines:
- Hello
- Hi
- How are you
4. Use emoji or Gif

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When you’re stumped for words, emojis come in handy. Although you can’t utilize facial emotions or body language to communicate via text, emojis can be a good substitute. If you’re into him, they may be playful and flirtatious, but if you’re confused by his low-effort messaging, they can also convey bewilderment or irritation. Gifs on the other hand It’s also a quick and simple method to respond to an SMS with limited material. Send him a GIF or meme that best expresses your thoughts. It could just be enough to break the ice and have him say something intriguing.
5. Wait and see if there’s more

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If a guy really wants to talk, let it be up to him then. Besides replying short answers, another option is to simply be silent for a while and watch what he says. It’s possible he was simply testing the situation to see how intrigued you are if he doesn’t say anything. On the other hand, if he truly has something important to say, he’ll probably say it.
6. Watch out for ‘breadcrumbing’

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Does he contact you for days or weeks at a time? If that’s the case, a random “hello, you” text might be a hint that he’s teasing you—especially if it doesn’t lead to a meaningful discussion. Consider moving on if he doesn’t appear eager to put in a lot of work into your relationship (or friendship). Breadcrumbing can also be identified by the following actions:
- Liking your social media posts but not starting a conversation
- Not making an effort to meet up or bring the relationship forward
- Giving constants excuses when it comes to meeting you
7. Ignore or block

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You don’t have to reply if he annoys you. Don’t feel compelled to continue the discussion if you’re tired of his low-effort messaging or just don’t like the person. You may either stop responding to his texts or ask him to stop contacting you. A better option would be blocking his number straight.
So now you know how to tackle text from any guy! Keep those chins up and stay confident!
Sources: WikiHow