For many people in this whole wide world, coffee shops such as Starbucks have been like a second home to them. They usually spend a lot of their time doing work, socializing or even just wanted to spend some time there while enjoying coffee and also pastries that are available there. If the customers that go there are alert and also attentive enough, they will definitely notice that most of the tables provided there at Starbucks are usually round in shapes.
These round tables make many people learn a lot about businesses from coffee shops. It is actually indeed an interesting reason why Starbucks has a lot of round tables in the shops. The reason has been explained in this particular video that went viral posted by a TikToker that goes by the name Max Klymenko. Here is the full video.
@maxklymenkodid you choose the correct answer? 🤓 #learnontiktok #starbucks #marketing #business #coffeetiktok
The reason is round tables make solo coffeeholic feel less lonely. Round tables in Starbucks are more welcoming than those with square edges, and people look less alone while seated at a round table. Starbucks’ own trademark atmosphere is informal and democratic, and round tables achieve just that. Round tables don’t promote a “social hierarchy”. There is definitely no head of the table, and everyone’s default position is equally as important.
Round tables would foster interaction between people. Square tables offer more capacity, but it’s precisely this lack of space that creates a more informal, intimate setting. Square tables subconsciously build a rigid structure of etiquette and distance between the two people, whereas round tables invite play and flexibility into the conversation.
Sources: TikTok Max Klymenko.