Up until today, the current situation of this country has still not completely free from the COVID-19 as there are still cases happening all over Malaysia and sometimes the number got increased. This worrying situation still affects many families, especially their finances. Due to that, the Ministry of Higher Education has decided on helping them.
Recently, it is announced in a media statement which said that the Ministry of Higher Education has agreed to fully support the cost of the UPUOnline process for all the SPM, STPM/equivalent, STAM, Foundation, Matriculation, and also Diploma/equivalent graduates for the 2022/2023 academic session. It is actually so great of them to help.
[Kenyataan Media] Pengecualian Bayaran Proses UPUOnline untuk Kemasukan Pelajar bagi Sesi Akademik 2022/2023#KeluargaMalaysia#BekerjaBersamaRakyat#MalaysiaPrihatin#KPTPrihatin#SejahteraIPT#RakyatDiHatiSiswa#SiswaBersamaRakyat#MenangBersama#LindungDiriLindungSemua pic.twitter.com/sNsSr8kmhC
— Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (@MOHEOfficial) February 3, 2022
In their statement that also stated, “Applications for the admission will be open from the 4 February 2022 until the 31 March 2022. In this regard, applicants can browse the official portal upu.mohe.gov.my to get more information and apply for admission to the Institute of Public Higher Education and also the Institute of Public Skills Training”.
They also hope by the decision that they made would in a way lighten the burden and also ease the process for so many graduates to further their studies and eventually could guarantee a better future for them and their families.
Sources: Twitter Ministry of Higher Education.