Effective immediately on the 18th of February 2022, all the new users that are Malaysians can now register directly for eCCRIS at eccris.bnm.gov.my and this is announced by the Bank Negara Malaysia itself. You can obviously do the simple registration anytime and anywhere because you do not have to go to any Bank Negara Malaysia branches or even any Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK) office nearby from your area. This is a benefit for all.
Marzunisham Omar who is the Deputy Governor said, “These enhancements make it more convenient and safer for individual users to register for eCCRIS and have access to their CCRIS reports, all from the comfort of their homes”.
You just have to follow all the simple steps attached to the website when you want to register for the eCCRIS. The steps are also applied for the new users who want to make an amount of RM1 online transfer to any specified BNM account through the internet banking method. Worry not because RM1 will be refunded within two working days.
Everything is now identified digitally rather than the physical verification. For companies or even individuals that are non-Malaysians, the new user registrations can be done by using eLINK at telelink.bnm.gov.my.
Sources: Bank Negara Malaysia.