A husband in Singapore has divorced his wife because she was obsessed with collecting cats. The 70 years old man has been married to her wife that is 67 years old for 45 years since May 1975.
According to the written judgment by District Judge Sheik Mustafa on LawNet, they have not lived together since 2006. They also have 3 children that is one daughter and two sons. All of them already was an adult age 44, 41, and 38 years old.
After hearing both husband and wife explanations, the Judge, Sheikh Mustafa ordered the marriage to be dissolved. He explains that the wife’s cat collection was a nuisance.
As what is been said in the LawNet, the cats that the wife collecting have created many problems such as urinated and defecated everywhere at their home. The cats also does not been given toilet-trained.
Not just that, the wife’s obsessions have made many complaints from the neighbors. Even the authorities also have shown up to give her warnings.
Her obsessions were first started in 1997 when she said that her late mother appeared in her dreams, telling her to be kind to cats. She believed by doing that will protect her family and bring them to Paradise.
After for a while, the husband told her to keep those cats elsewhere but she refused to do it. He finally left their home in 2006 when one of the cats start to urinated on him while he was sleeping.
As said by Judge Sheik, he found out that marriage cannot be saved due to the wife’s ‘unreasonable behavior’ and their separation since 2006.
“On a balance of probabilities, the husband has proved his case. The marriage between the parties has broken down irretrievably due to the behavior of the wife, and due to four years of separation. There is no possibility of reconciliation. There are no minor children. For these reasons, it is just and reasonable to grant a judgment to dissolve the marriage,” said Judge Sheik at the end of his written judgement.
Source: Mothership.sg, LawNet