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Don’t Know If You Are Eligible To Vote? Check Before The Next Election!

Picture: BERNAMA

With speculation of a general election (GE) soon, you might want to prepare yourself as soon as possible, especially if you have just turn 18.

If you didn’t know, the eligible age to vote in Malaysia is now 18! No official date has set for the GE but it is better to prepare now so that you don’t forget in the future.


Picture: Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia

Under Pendaftaran Pemilih Secara Automatik (PPSA), all citizens who have reached the age of 18 and above are eligible to be registered as voters. They are also registered as a voter without having to apply to Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR).

There are a few conditions for you to know if you are automatically registered. Those are:

  • A Malaysian citizen
  • 18-years old and above
  • reside at the same address as in your MyKad
  • does not lose eligibility as a voter according to the law

When you turn 18, you are automatically eligible to vote. You can check your voting information 16 days the next month after your birthday through the MySPR Semak website, through the MySPR mobile application, or call the SPR hotline.

To check if you are eligible to vote at the MySPR website, just click on the link above. Then, click the on the ‘Semakan Daftar Pemilih’ section.


Picture: MySPR Semak

After clicking on the button, put in your identification card number and the captcha in the space provided.


Picture: MySPR Semak

After you have filled it all in, click on ‘Semak’ and it should show your personal information as well as your voter information.

Make sure you keep your SPR account updated so that you don’t miss out on the next election!

Source: Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya




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