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Store Vegetables To Last Longer? But How?

Picture: Twitter & PNGHunter

I guarantee everyone has gone through this before. You want to cook, however, you find out that your vegetables are already wilting. You do not even get to use them in your cooking. What a waste of ingredients and money!

Fear not! @fasz.nadiah to the rescue! This woman shares with us some useful tips for us to apply so that there will be no waste. Here are the ways to make your veggies stay healthy longer!

1) Chillies


Picture: The House Of Wellness

  • Wash the chillies.
  • After that, dry the chillies until there is no more water excess. You can use tissues.
  • Make sure to get rid of the chillies’ pedicles.
  • Place the chillies in an air-tight container.
  • Put two cloves of garlic among the chillies.
  • Cover the container.

2) Tomatoes


Picture: Yates

  • After washing the tomatoes, dry them with tissues.
  • Place the tomatoes in an air-tight container upwards. Do not just throw them there.
  • Cover the container.

3) Lemongrass


Picture: HGTV

  • Get rid of the outer grass from the lemongrass.
  • Fill an air-tight container with water.
  • Then, place the lemongrass there as well in the water.
  • Cover the container.
  • Change the water every five days.

4) Gingers


Picture: Homeperch

  • Cut the gingers into small pieces.
  • Fill an air-tight container with water and place the gingers there.
  • Cover the container.
  • Change the water every five days.

Lastly, do not forget to place the containers in the refrigerator. Now, you can buy a lot of vegetables without having to worry about them getting wilt! See the original video below:


Tahan 2 minggu. Percaya atau tak sayur jd tahan lama bila guna cara ni . . Ini 4 tips utk sayur tahan lebih lama :- . 1. Cili. Sebelum Nad simpan cili, Nad akan buang tangkai cili tu dan letakkan 2 ulas bwg bersama. Lapikkan bekas dgn tisu. Tahan 2 minggu. . 2. Tomato. Bahagian tangkai tu mmg sensitif. Lepas lap dan keringkan tomato dgn tisu, susun tomato di dlm bekas menghala ke atas .Susun elok-elok, jangan main golek-golek. Kalau tak memang cepat rosak atau lembik☺️ . 3. Serai. Isi penuh-penuh dgn air dan rendamkan serai sepenuhny. Tukar air setiap 5 hari sekali. . 4. Halia. Potong halia yg bersaiz besar dab rendamkan di dalam air. Tukar air setiap 5 hari. . Tips ni spt mengelakkan pembaziran n jimatkan masa sebab tak perlu lg p pasar berulang kali. Sekali beli, boleh borong lebih-lebih sikit. Senanglah kan?😬 . Dpt sesuatu ? Follow for more ✨ . Airtight white container fr0m @The Small Merchant Malaysia . . #kitchenhacks #kitchentips #refillday #fridgeorganization #fridgeorganizer #tipsandtricks #fridgerestock #tiktokmalaysia #fasznadiah #nadiahhome #fyp #organizehacks #organizewithme #organizewithme #tiktokhometour #tiktokhometourmalaysia #homedecor #homedecormalaysia

♬ original sound – Nadiah Home – Nadiah Home

Source: TikTok

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