There has always been a certain mindset that says people with disability cannot work like the rest of the people in this wide world. Well, this particular mindset is an entirely rubbish one. For example, this man who is categorized as people with disability that works as a waiter proves that they also can work just as fine. He is indeed a waiter at a Korean BBQ restaurant in the Philippines.
To those who might not know, the story of this man named Runiell Prince B. Waminal Jr. has gone viral all over different social media platforms. It all started when a person that goes by the name Ericka Patalinghug posted about Runiell Prince B. Waminal Jr. on her own Facebook page. In the story, Runiell Prince B. Waminal Jr. wears an ID that indicates he is a PWD while he works.
She stated in her post, “Yesterday, we had our dinner at Romantic Baboy, LKK branch. I was so happy to meet Kuya Prince, who served our food last night. Even with his condition, he quickly responded to our needs and happily assisted us. He’s a PWD and can only communicate through writing”.
She also added, “Kudos to Romantic Baboy, who opened their doors to persons with disabilities just like Kuya Prince. To Kuya Prince, thank you for your outstanding service. More power and continue to inspire more people”.
Sources: NextShark, Facebook Ericka Mae Maquidato Patalinghug.