It is finally over! Remember last time we posted about a Malaysian woman trying to reconnect with her best friend in Scotland? Guess what? She manages to get in touch with her long-lost friend. Read here if you have missed it.
@_nxjwafuad posted about her mission of getting in touch with Bobbi on the 21st of February. She hoped people on Twitter would help her by retweeting her post. Since then, many helped her and wished the two friends would be reconnected again.
After three days, her mission came to an end as she found Bobbi. @_nxjwafuad updated about this on her Twitter, as many people wanted to know how the mission went.
A little story time! So a Malaysian who went to Bridge of Allan until Primary 7 contacted me and gave me Bobbis’ Facebook acc she got from mutuals and I texted her. But I wasn’t sure of it was really her because her name was different
I was worried of imposters for some reason
— Ar. Najwa si penjahit (@_nxjwafuad) February 24, 2023
According to @_nxjwafuad, a Malaysian who went to the same school as she was back in Scotland gave her Bobbi’s Facebook account. Nevertheless, the name of the account was not “Bobbi.”
Then, a mutual of Bobbi’s brother reached out to her and confirmed that the Facebook account is Bobbi’s. It is revealed that Bobbi changed her name a few years back.
Sweetly, Bobbi remembers her too and even kept a letter from @_nxjwafuad when they were little. For now, they are catching up together over the phone.

Picture: @nxjwafuad
Thanks to those who help these two friends reunite again!
Source: @_nxjwafuad (Twitter)