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From Five-Star Hotel To Athlete’s Village, Indonesia Prepares Facilities For Covid-19

On Monday, President Joko Widodo visited Jakarta’s 2018 Asian Games Athlete’s Village in Kemayoran, which has been turned into an emergency makeshift hospital to treat COVID-19 patients.

“The athlete’s village has a total capacity of 24,000 people and is currently being prepared for patients, doctors, and paramedics,” the president said.

“I also saw that the infrastructure is ready, both for the patients’ rooms and the ventilators … personal protective equipment is also ready … I hope this coronavirus emergency hospital is not used. This means that the existing hospitals (in Jakarta), which we have prepared well in advance, are able to handle this coronavirus.”

The village ready to treat about 2,500 to 3,000 patients.  Besides the athlete’s village, the five-star hotel ‘The Media Hotel and Towers’ in Jakarta will be used to accommodate paramedics who are charged on the outbreak.

One disease hospital also has been developed in Batam.  The construction started on Mar 8 and expected to be used on the 28th.



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KabarPUPR- Pembangunan fasilitas observasi/penampungan/karantina untuk pengendalian infeksi penyakit menular, utamanya COVID-19 (Corona) di Pulau Galang, Kota Batam, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau saat ini progres konstruksinya mencapai 32% . Pada tahap I tengah dibangun 2 gedung bertingkat 2 berada di Zona B yang terdiri dari fasilitas observasi/penampungan/karantina (termasuk isolasi) berjumlah 400 tempat tidur dari total rencana kapasitas tampung 1000 tempat tidur. Pembangunan Tahap I terdiri dari ruang observasi 350 tempat tidur dan ruang isolasi 30 tempat tidur untuk Intensive Care Unit (ICU) dan 20 tempat tidur untuk Non ICU . Selain itu di sekitar fasilitas utama juga akan dilengkapi ruang tindakan, ruang penyimpanan mobile rontgen, ruang laboratorium, ruang farmasi, dapur, perumahan untuk 100 dokter + 350 perawat, mess dokter 8 kamar tidur dan mess perawat 90 kamar tidur, mess petugas 22 kamar tidur, ruang sterilisasi, renovasi bangunan eksisting untuk bangunan penunjang, fasilitas air bersih, air limbah, drainase, sampah, dan utilitas lainnya, serta ruang alat kesehatan ruang isolasi dan observasi . @ditjenciptakarya @ari_ceking #WaspadaCOVID19 #SigapMembangunNegeri #UntukIndonesiaMaju

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Indonesia has one of the highest COVID-19 mortality rates in the world at over 8 percent.

Source: CNA

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