JOHOR BAHRU, March 6 — Below is the list of the new Johor state executive councillors:
1. Datuk Hasni Mohammad – Menteri Besar and National Resource, Administration, Finance, Planning and Economic Development
2. Datuk Samsolbari Jamali – Agriculture, Agro-based Industries and Rural Development Chairman
3. Mazlan Bujang – Education, Information, Heritage and Culture
4. R. Vidyananthan – Health and Environment
5. Tosrin Jarvanthi – Islamic Religious Affairs
6. Ayub Jamil – Housing and Local Government
7. Mohd Solihan Badri – Works, Transportation and Infrastructure
8. Zaiton Ismail – Women, Family and Community Development
9. Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi – Tourism, Youth and Sports
10. Mohd Izhar Ahmad – Investment, Entrepreneur Development, Cooperatives and Human Resources
11. Dr Chong Fat Full – Unity, Commerce and Consumerism
Source : BERNAMA