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Do You Often Feel Tired After Eating? Then, Read This

Everyone has their own routine every morning, whether taking breakfast in the morning or vice versa. However, whether you eat breakfast or not, both have the same effect, which is drowsiness.

Sleep deprivation or insufficient sleep in the morning can affect your work or daily routine. When too much yawning, your eyes will feel tired and your body will start to feel tired. You must have felt like you were looking for a pillow and a blanket.

When we do not have breakfast in the morning, we do not get enough glucose in the brain, causing us to feel sleepy and restless.

However, if we take breakfast, oxygen will be sent to the stomach for digestion, causing the brain to lack sufficient oxygen, leading to drowsiness.

So, how much better to sleep? Breakfast or not?

Prof. Ali Khomsan, a nutritionist from the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), Indonesia, says eating less will make us feel sleepy but provided you do not over-eating it when you have breakfast. Excessive breakfast will make us feel sleepy.


Why Do I Get Tired After Eating? Diakses 3 Oktober 2018.

The Benefits of Eating Breakfast. Diakses 3 Oktober 2018.

Interview with Prof. Dr. Ir. Ali Khomsan, MS, Professor of IPB at the Fairmont Senayan Hotel, Jakarta on Wednesday, October 3, 2018.

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