The teacher is one of the most respectable jobs that have even been in this whole wide world. This is because they are willing to sacrifice so much just for the sake of their students. They are literally helping the world to have a better future generation that would lead this country to succeed. A great teacher is someone who can inspire their children to be the best version of themselves no matter from the perspective or attitude, thinking, and also their action.
This is exactly what a teacher from SK Sri Tumpat 2, Tumpat, Kelantan is doing. This teacher named Arshad Peyza who is 46 years old decided to redecorate his class using his own money so that he can help to give an uplifting environment for his students to get back their desire and willingness to learn. He spent over RM1,000 for his class.
This teacher mentioned that the reason for him to do this is to restore the spirit and also joy among his students to learn back after a long “vacation” during the Movement Control Order. Most students usually would feel bored and also resistant to learn if their brains are left nonworking for too long. For Arshad Peyza to do this, shows how much he understands his students very much. Psychologically, when the situation of the classroom feels more inviting, students tend to stay and give full focus towards what they are about to learn.
This redecorating project of his took more than a month to finish and to get the result that he actually wanted. He said that all his sacrifices are worth it because his students feel more happy, surprised, and also excited for them to be in class with him. There is more enthusiast to learn in the class. The majority of the decorations used in his project, he got it from stores such as IKEA, Kaison, and also MR.DIY. Wishing Arshad Peyza all the best and good luck.
Sources: Facebook Arshad Peyza