Italian police have reportedly used a Lamborghini Huracán car to deliver the kidneys of patients in need of immediate surgery at a hospital to shorten travel time.
The video of the delivery and travel process was shared personally by the Italian Police via its official Twitter account.
The video also shows that they had time to send the kidneys to the patients on time.

Picture: Google
It is believed that the journey from the northern city of Padia to Rome usually takes about six hours via the highway, but the police managed to reach the hospital in just two hours using their Lamborghini cars.
The entire trip is estimated at 500km. The police reportedly managed to send the kidney to the Gemelli hospital in Rome on October 20.
“Thanks to our @Lamborghini Huracan we delivered a donor kidney for transplant to a person in time,” the police tweeted.
“To save a life you do not need superpowers – solidarity, technology, and efficiency also help,” added the police.
Lamborghini Huracán is used by police to transport blood and organs in an emergency. It is also used to chase drivers who are breaking the speed limit.
Not only that, but the luxury car is also equipped with a refrigerator dedicated to transporting organs.
Grazie alla nostra @Lamborghini Huracan abbiamo trasportato in tempo il rene di un donatore per il trapianto a una persona
“Per salvare una vita non servono superpoteri” anche solidarietà, tecnologia ed efficienza aiutano @CNTrapianti @MinisteroSalute #essercisempre#5novembre— Polizia di Stato (@poliziadistato) November 5, 2020
Source: Polizia di Stato, Yahoo! News