If you want to travel to Japan, it is not a problem to use English. However, if you learn a few words in Japanese, it will definitely help your communication while in the country.
Like English, at first, it may be a bit difficult to learn because you do not understand the use of sentences and words but when practiced and repeated often, it becomes easy.
So, apply the same concept while learning Japanese. In addition, by just following these 5 tips, you can master Japanese easily without having to take a language course.
1. Purpose And Interest
You must have heard parents say that if you want to learn or do a job, it must be accompanied by interest and purpose. If not, you will definitely face difficulties. Just like learning Japanese, you need to look back at what your goals are. If to learn and understand this language, it will be easy and you will enjoy learning Japanese.
2. Recognize Letters In Japanese
First of all, you must recognize the letters in Japanese. It is very important because from there you can master the existing vocabulary. For a start, you can learn the letters Hiragana, Katakana, and later Kanji. Write down each letter and memorize it. To make it easier, you can memorize each letter by rewriting the letter repeatedly.
Once confident, try to say every single letter you learn without looking at any references or help from others.
3. Watch Shows In Japanese
The strategy used by the Japanese to attract many people to learn their language is to produce shows like anime. Through anime, many who become ‘obsessed’ want and control the Japanese word easily and quickly.
These tips are often done by many people because it was easy and fast. Many people especially men want to learn Japanese because it makes it easier for them to watch shows in Japanese like anime without the need for subtitles.
4. Listening to Songs
Just like attending a Japanese language class, you can also participate in the listening section to test your sensitivity and understanding of the Japanese language. You only need to listen to songs in Japanese only, it is like attending a listening class during a language course. Try to listen to one song for one day. In the meantime, you can sing while reading the lyrics.
Through this activity, you will find and learn new words and be able to add Japanese vocabulary.
5. Speaking Japanese
These last tips you can do when you are confident in your vocabulary and understanding of Japanese. Try to talk to a friend who is learning Japanese or Japanese people themselves. From here, they will help you practice and correct how to use sentences, pronunciation, or vocabulary addition.
So, do not be afraid to practice speaking Japanese because it can correct your mistakes in this language.
If you do these 5 tips over and over again, it is not impossible that in just a few months your Japanese language will be fluent and understand its meaning without the need for help.
Sources: Hipwee.com,